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Unsupported Branches

Sunday 18 October 2020, by James

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

This page lists the end of life date for each unsupported branch of SPIP. If you are using these releases, you are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using older versions may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of SPIP.

Branch End of life Last release
4.0 23 February 2023 4.0.11
3.2 23 February 2023 3.2.19
3.1 9 July 2021 3.1.15
3.0 30 June 2019 3.0.28
2.1 17 October 2017 2.1.30
2.0 6 January 2016 2.0.26
1.9 12 May 2012 1.9.2+p
1.8 9 April 2010 1.8.3+b
1.7 1 April 2005 1.7.2
1.6 3 January 2004 1.6.0
1.5 26 May 2003 1.5.2
1.4 14 December 2002 1.4.2
1.3 12 September 2002 1.3.1
1.2 12 September 2002 1.2.1
1.0 12 October 2001 1.0.6

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